Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Introducing the newest member of the Moore family!!

So as of last night, we now have a new member of our family. The most awesomest little goldfish.... Bethany Babs!!!

"Hi guys... M on me for Moore!!"

My parents always had a cool fish tank growing up, but I myself never took care of the fish. I have been wanting a fish of my own for a while now, but just never got one. Since we are welcoming a little girl into the household soon, I figured we would even the boy-girl ratio by adding a girl fish too. I got her a cheap 1 gallon bowl, some pink rocks, and a pink glow in the dark leafy thing.

Her bowl. Isn't her design cool?

She likes to hide in the leafy thing.
The whole bowl

Probably the funniest thing about getting Bethany Babs, is Hyde. He has never seen a fish before, and has very quickly become obsessed with her. He seems to think I got her for his sake. He will sit and stare at her, then come to me and just love and rub on me, then go back to his fish. As if he is saying "Oh thank you Mom, this is the best gift ever!"

I do have her placed in a space where there is a small top over her bowl, so he can not reach in. Otherwise I move her bowl around so I can keep an eye on the two of them. And when I am not looking, Teddy is. He barks at Hyde when Hyde tries to stick his paw in. Hopefully Bethany Babs will lead a long and happy life in the Moore household. Enjoy the pictures!

Hyde sees the fish for the first time in the bowl...

"What.... what.. what are you?"
"Whoa, WHOA, WHOAAAAA... you are moving!"

Then I moved the fish bowl from that spot, and put it closer to me. So Hyde went on a search for the bowl... then jumped on the coffee table, and his eyes got wide as saucers....

"Ah HA! I have been searching for you"
Making friends? Or making dinner plans?
"I will find you"
"You are in that tree again, aren't you?"
"Best toy ever Mom"

The next morning.........

Holy cow! Bethany Babs survived the night! Yay! Now it is time for her first feeding.

Hyde must investigate her food before we begin
Just floating on top... being ignored
Food floating down. NOW she sees it
Finally chompping on her food. It's funny to see her chomp chomp chomp

"These battles have just begun...."

Baby Ultrasound at 21 weeks and 2 days Growing!

Another ultrasound! I absolutely love these! And I feel so blessed that bc my awesome family helping out by paying for them, we have been able to get so many. It is strange to see how little Baby Moore grows from week to week! This is her fourth set of pictures, and her final set will be in April. These pictures were taken on Wednesday February 17th, 2010.

This set of ultrasound pics was to measure her body, and make sure everything is going good with her growth.

She was a feisty little baby. Still had the cord between her legs, but the lady said she is pretty sure baby Moore is still a girl. She also raised her fist at us all and punched the air several times, and the lady got it in the pictures!!

Baby Moore at this time weighed 15 ounces [according to my book, the average is 10! Wow] and was 20 cm in length. She has all her fingers, toes, and bones, and everything looks good. Her heart rate was 145. Her position is feet up into my ribs [oh the joy of when she starts kicking], and head down. The lady said she probably won't stay that way though bc babies like to move a lot.

I had a doctor's apt one week later to discuss the ultrasound with the doctor. So I was 22 weeks and 1 day at this apt. Which was yesterday. My blood pressure is 110 over 64, which is good, and on the lower end of pregnancy. According to my count, I have now gained 10 pounds during this pregnancy. They weighed me in at 7 though. I think the reason is because Sunday night, I got a stomach bug, that had me vomiting and not eating anything until Tuesday morning of the doctor's apt. So it makes sense I would have dropped a bit. My uterus is 22 cm long [which is exactly where it is supposed to be], and I learned something new. My uterus is in an interior position. Which means I will not be able to feel her moving constantly for another week. It's not abnormal, it's just the way some are. So it's nothing to worry about. I have felt a few bumps in there, but they are not constant at all.

I was feeling this strange pulsing constantly, and you can actually see it on my stomach. Turns out that is actually my blood flowing. Strangest thing. But I'm glad it isn't the baby moving, bc it is a sick nasty feeling, and I was not looking forward to feeling that more and more.

I haven't taken any pictures for week 22 belly. I was just to sick, and I am barely getting my groove back on. However... in the next post, I do have some entertaining new pictures from last night and this morning. Until then, enjoy Baby Moore fist pumping it up!

Side profile of her face
Side profile of her face & that little circle is her heart

Her very long body

She starts to raise her fist
Punching at us! The lady said she is saying "Charge!"

Behind on my belly pics - week 21 [02/15/10]

So I said I would post lots... then I got distracted by pretty colors and something shiny.. and food. It's always the food that gets me. Anyways, these are from 21 weeks belly. Taken on Monday February 15th, 2010

Hi there Baby Moore!
Making my lower back ache at night
Belly is pushing out
Food baby or real baby? Still hard to tell
Hey belly belly belly
Belly sits up high
Ok not so different from the front yet.

Pants still button! Woot woot!

I weighed in on that Monday at 171. But I didn't measure my stomach. You can see it's growing though.

Your baby is now around three-quarters of a pound and nearly 11 inches long, they have fully formed eyelids and eyebrows at this point, what's more they're getting ready for another growth spurt-- this time to start packing on that cute baby fat. If you've noticed what seem like mild contractions, you're right! But not to worry, they're a far cry from what you're going to experience during labor.

Week 21:Look Mommy, I'm dreaming!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 21:fetus in fifth month Your beautiful little miracle-gro baby will be putting on a full ounce and a half this week (and weighing up to 16.5 ounces), but that’s just the beginning! Within the next five weeks, they’ll really be packin’ it on! For now, we’re pleased to report the addition of rapid eye movement (REM) a key component to any healthy baby’s sleep schedule. While in the dermatology department: their thin soft skin is very red, rather translucent, and a bit wrinkled. Not to worry, it’s not a premature aging disease. It's just their clever little body setting them up with extra space that will smooth out once your little one starts packing on the baby-fat. That won’t be for a few more weeks, though. So for the time being, your munchkin is still a little lean mean growing machine! The beginnings of what is commonly called “brown fat” is just starting to fill in to help your baby retain some body heat, which is crucial as they’re not yet capable of regulating their own body temperature.

And how's mom doing? We’ve hit trimester two and you're in full-swing pregnancy mode. Most moms are feeling pretty good right about now. Funnily enough, you may already be noticing some mild uterine contractions—don’t panic, this is completely normal. Actually, your uterus contracts throughout your whole life—only now determining the sex early on makes it easier to plan ahead, prepare the nursery, inform the family and purchase the right colored cigars. Of course to some parents, that’s not the point. You're going to love your little one whether they've got a cheeseburger or hot dogthat there’s enough pressure on the uterine muscles you can feel them more distinctly when they contract.

If you’re still deciding whether or not to buy gender-specific clothing, it’s time to bite the bullet and head in for an ultrasound... unless you’re not the planning type. Now that we have the technology, it’s fairly obvious to modern couples that determining the sex early on makes it easier to plan ahead, prepare the nursery, inform the family and purchase the right colored cigars. Of course to some parents, that’s not the point. You're going to love your little one whether they've got a cheeseburger or hot dog. Really though, many couples enjoy the suspense and choose to leave the sex as a final surprise. Talk with your partner and figure out what feels right for you. Just keep in mind that once you know, you can’t turn back!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sorry for being behind - Vday weekend pics

So I know I am incredible behind on posting on here. Which is a shame, because between week 20 and now, week 22, I have majorly grown. Lucky for me, it has all been growth in my upper stomach, so all my pants still fit just fine. The main difference is the rise in my shirt. I still feel like it just looks like I ate way to much. So if people wanna touch, prepare for me to take offense, and punch you. So once again, I will be splitting up my late updates into several posts.

So now for the first one, I will take you back to Valentine's Day weekend.

Ahhhh Valentine's Day. For the happily coupled person, this is such a great day of joy to look forward to. Not so much when you are the pregnant half of the coupled duo, and your other part is deployed. The most you can look forward to is the hopes that he somehow will manage to get an email through, and that your overly driven hormones won't cause you to go on a drive by rampage on all love birds skipping down the street in bless.

So needless to say, I was a little concerned on how my emotions would take a turn on Love fest weekend. Thankfully though, the wives on this boat are an amazing support group. They planned a group get together of about 14 of us wives at Koto's for February 13th, and Lexi and I made our own plans for Feb 14th. So a weekend of dread turned into a weekend of fun.

The outfit I wore to Koto's is the same thing I wore on Christmas, and that I took the Xmas pictures in. You can really see how it fits differently now. Koto's was amazing food as always. This time I splurged the extra dollar and got steak. I got squirted in the face with a little doll that makes it look like he is peeing on you. It was just water though. I was supposed to catch it in my mouth, but I had soup in there, so it ended up on my face. At then end of our dinner, the manager was completely rude to us though, and asked us to hurry and leave. I could understand her doing this if we were lolly gagging, but some of us were still eating dessert, and others still waiting on getting their cards back. I get that VDAY weekend is a big weekend, but we paid a lot to eat there, and don't deserve to be rushed out. Lexi was the only brave one in the group to say something, and the woman just stamered out apologies. Her embarrassment was totally worth it. All in all, it was definitely a good night.

You can really see the pop here 20 weeks & 5 days

Front View
A close up of Koto's outfit

Then the next night was Valentine's Day. I went to the gym with Lexi in the morning, then came home, showered, scrunched my hair, and Lexi & I went to Providence, RI. Providence is an hour away. We had pre-bought movie tickets in our town for 950 for the movie Valentine's Day, so we figured if we left at 5pm, we would have plenty of time to drive there, eat, and get back to the movie. The goal meal place was Cheesecake Factory. I have never been there, so was stoked to try out what all these Northerns talk about. We did not take into affect though, that every party of two would also be out on Valentine's Day. By the time we got to Providence, and found an overly priced parking garage, we came to discover Cheesecake Factory had a 2.5 hour wait time. So we started to walk the street looking for another place. After being denied any access to one other place, bypassing a urberly disgustingly fancy looking place, we ended up at a place called Joe's. Their wait was 1 hour to 90 minutes. We decided to chance it. However I dragged Lexi over to the bar area. A lot of restaurants have first come, first serve at the bar. To our luck, this bar seating also had table. We weren't even there ten minutes, when I spotted a couple get up, and claimed their table.

The waiter was awesome and very funny. He was also shocked to discover I was pregnant [Oh yea he got tipped extra for that] Towards the end of our meal though, we realized we were quickly running out of time, so we asked for their special [chocolate covered strawberries and a special whip cream] Unfortunately, it being that darn Vday holiday, there were already out of it. So we pouted bc chocolate covered fruit was what we were really excited for. So we asked if they had bananas, or grapes, or any fruit they could dip. The guy laughed at us, knowing we were pregnant, and went to see what he could do. He eventually brought his manager over to talk to us. At this time, I went to the bathroom, and came back to find Lexi in a story of us ending up at Joe's. The manager misunderstood her though, and thought we came an hour JUST to eat at Joe's. So Lexi went with it. Haha. She said oh yeaaaa my husband and I came here, and I wanted her to try it. Problem was Lexi had never been there, but she didn't want to offend the guy by saying "Well this was actually our last choice". The guy was so flattered with us though, that he had someone go get strawberries, and made us the dessert on the house. By the time this was all done though, we were incredibly late to our movie. So we just got our tickets refunded, and went and watched the movie, I Hate Valentine's Day at her house.

My Vday Outfit with Lexi
Had to scrunch my hair to save on time
Same outfit I wore on New Year's Eve. Little different looking on me now
Why hello there suddenly larger belly!

20 weeks and 6 days pregnant

See how high my belly is now?
A close up

This one I sent to David in a care package.

Those duck lips are an attempt at kissy face
Happy Vday from Teddy & Me!
Doesn't Teddy look so amused?

The next day for lunch, we did go to Providence, RI again for a Valentine's Day redo. We went to Cheesecake factory, and I gotta say, it was worth it. 21 pages for the menu, and two pages alone for different types of cheesecakes! I got an upside pineapple cheesecake. Then we went to the Imax theater to watch the movie Valentine's Day. Excellent movie as well. Some spots had Lexi and I tearing up, which when you watch the movie, you would totally guess where. I also love the comfort of the Imax theater. The theaters here are absolutely ridiculous. The price of a ticket is $9.50. The seats are all one level, and hard as rock. The kind of seats you find at the dollar theater in TX. I think I will boycott them from now on. The Imax theater was huge, with surround sound, seats that go high up, with padding, and can recline, and have cup holders. Plus military discount baby. My ticket was only $7!

So Valentine's Day Weekend wasn't the bust I was expecting it to be. I still would rather have had David home, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices to insure a better future. We will have lots more valentine days together, and this time they will include our little girl!

I am still waiting on my own Daddy to send me some Vday chocolates. Ahem. Get on that. That's your job as Daddy, to forever provide me with chocolate. Haha

But now I will end this Vday post... bc I have a doctor's apt coming up. Expect more updates soon

Monday, February 8, 2010

AHHHHH!!! 20 weeks! That's half way through!!!!

Today marks week 20 of pregnancy. That is the halfway mark! I absolutly cannot believe I am now 5 months pregnant. I still don't even feel pregnant, so how can I be 5 months pregnant already? If the second half goes as fast as this first one did, our little girl will be here before we can even be prepared! I feel so bad for David because he has to miss such a huge chunk of all this. Then again, I bet many husbands wish they were not around to be yelled at, complained to, and sent out at midnight for ice cream cravings.

Speaking of cravings, I haven't had those weird "Let's mix maple syrup with salmon" cravings [coughcoughLEXIcough]. I actually feel like I really haven't experienced pregnancy cravings at all so far. I don't count wanting things to be extra salty as a craving. Any "cravings" I have had are all things I used to crave pre pregnancy. I used to get cravings for potatoes, or spaghetti pre-preg, and I would want them so badly. So I don't see anything different with how I react to wanting those same foods now. David used to say whenever I was pregnant I probably wouldn't notice any changes because of this. lol. I liked sour things, but preferred sweet. That has actually switched. I would rather have sour over sweet now a days. But even that really isn't a craving. I just decide to choose sour over chocolatey whenever I snack on something sweet.

HOWEVER ... as of yesterday, I have been yearning BADLY for this pizza that I ate at Tina's. Tina is a friend I made in South Carolina, who moved to CT as well for the navy at the same time that we did. She is originally from Long Island, and the whole time I have known her, she has talked about NY pizza. I have never had NY pizza, so I have been fine with Pizza Hut or Dominoes. Turns out I have been missing out. Tina found a pizza place run by a guy who is from her hometown, and she feels this is the closest you can get to NY pizza. The pizza is mighty expensive, but they treated themselves to two pies yesterday and invited Lexi & I over for lunch. IT WAS AMAZING! Ever since eating that pizza yesterday, I just want more!! I guess I can count this as my first pregnancy craving, since I never had cravings for this pizza before. lol

It's probably a good thing I have no idea where this pizza place is though, because I do not need to be adding to my weight gain! This morning I weighed in at 170.2 pounds. I did notice some growth in my belly. Well rather I have been told by Tina and Lexi about how my bump now sticks out. Thanks guys. Haha. My belly button now measures out at 37 inches, and my roundest part of my tummy is at 38 inches. It seems like massive growth to me! I can still wear my cloths, and button my pants though. The day I can't do that will be the day I spend crying for hours I am sure! I would like to try to stay under 180 until David returns home. This goal is going to be TOUGH with how long he has left. I have been including swimming laps at the indoor pool here after the gym. If I can keep my gym days to 3 times a week, and at least swim once a week, and not eat out but once a week, I think I could do it. I just have to keep busy and keep my metabolism pumping! And eat more veggies. Stupid veggies. Ok pictures time!

I hardly ever include both sides. I think I look bigger on this side somehow?

Your baby is now about 10.5 inches long from head to foot and their little limbs and head have finally reached their relative birth proportions, although they've still got loads of growing to do. On average, you should've gained about 10 lbs by now, although that's just an average so, don't be too devastated if you're over or under slightly.

Week 20:Congratulations, you now have a mini-baby!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 20:fetus in fifth month This week you're carrying about 10.5 inches and 10.5 ounces of solid baby-miracle-goodness! Their little delicates bones continue to ossify and toughen while their itsy bitsy finger and toe pads are finishing up. Your little monkey now has teeth buds, although they’re hidden beneath the gum line. And finally! Their limbs have reached their relative proportions—no more alien baby! Their cute pink lips are more defined, and might be helping out in a bit of prenatal thumb-sucking. If you have a little boy, then their tiny testes are descending, though they have not yet passed the abdominal wall. What’s more, eyelashes and eyebrows are also visible. At this point, your little one really looks like a miniature baby—and we do mean miniature as your little swimmer currently weighs a mere eighth of their final birth weight. With half the pregnancy behind you, the most significant gains are yet to come!

And how's mom doing? Not that we need to tell you, but your baby may sometimes seem like a kick-boxer in training with no appreciation for your exhausted-pregnant-momma sleep needs. Still, before you start yelling at them to calm it down in there, remind yourself that your busy baby really have no idea if you’re rolling If you have already enrolled in a Lamaze course, consider coupling it with either a swimming or yoga course (or both!)out of bed or cozying up to your partner for a good nights rest. Unfortunately for your sleep schedule, your little independent thinker will continue to operate on their own time table throughout the rest of the pregnancy. And you thought rebellious behavior only started around puberty!

Have you enrolled in a Lamaze course yet? The now-renowned courses teach various alternative birthing and breathing techniques, not to mention the oh-so-valuable lessons involved with natural pain management. (Visit for more information.) If you have already enrolled in a Lamaze course, consider coupling it with either a swimming or yoga course (or both!). Both forms of exercise focus on controlling your breathing (a large part of the Lamaze philosophy), while at the same time increasing blood flow, strength and flexibility. What’s more, many yoga studios and swimming pools cater to pregnant women (and couples) offering low impact sessions perfect for you and your partner.

Your Pregnant Body This Week

Week 20 of Pregnancy: Hair and Nail Growth

You can credit (or blame) those pregnancy hormones again for changes in your hair and nails during your pregnancy. The increased blood circulation that's bringing more nutrients to them also deserves some thanks.

Congratulations, at 20 weeks pregnant, you're at the midpoint of your pregnancy. Keeping pace, your fast-ballooning uterus has also reached the midway point, just about even with your belly button now. So go ahead — take a feel. That's one of the perks of being pregnant — you get to rub your belly anytime you want (in fact, it's expected when you're expecting). Happily, there are other good side effects of pregnancy too. Can't think of any? Well, here's one: Have you checked out your nails lately? They're likely growing faster than usual, and faster than you can manicure them. What about your hair? Does it feel thicker and look more healthy than usual? It's probably growing faster, too (not to mention growing in unexpected places, which may not be such a good thing). You can credit (or blame) those pregnancy hormones again for these changes. The increased blood circulation that's bringing more nutrients to your hair and nails also deserves some thanks.

The hair and nail changes during pregnancy are temporary…once again, good and bad news. Because even though your nails might be long, they can also turn dry and brittle (of course, it's those pregnancy hormones). And though you may love your lavish locks now, don't get too attached to them. Your good-hair-day run ends with delivery — when the normal daily hair loss that's suppressed during pregnancy (thus the thicker hair) resumes with a vengeance. Once the baby is born, all that hair that didn't fall out during pregnancy will — making you wonder whether you'll need to reach for the Rogaine (don't worry, you won't).